It is so tempting that the Month of March has passsed and gone and for most people, they think it is Spring time. Well, in some places (countries) there is such a thing, but here in England, warm weather comes and goes. It can be nice today and then the next day its cold. It is so tempting that some people are dressed like it is summer time wearing shorts and sandals. While some people are all wrapped up like it is winter time. Rodney and I for instance, because of this tempting weather we caught cold virus that lastest over a week and still congested to this day.
But because it is close to spring, you can smell the freshness of the air, flowers start blooming and people start working on their yard in preparation for a nice colorful sunny summer. Just like Rodney and I worked on the yard and planted some bulbs. Hopefully, it will grow. Of course I attempted to dig the soil, but as soon as small creation (worms) started on appearing that was the end for me, Rodney resumed the planting. I just cannot stand it.
March is one of the British"s most significant month. "Mother's Day" is being celebrated on March 22 each year. Colorful gift ideas are everywhere in the stores in late February and if you do not know anything about it, you will just wonder like me until Ashley told me.
April is no different still cold and raining a lot. Easter is being observed as a holiday. In fact most companies are off on Good Friday and Monday. What a long weekend for others. All public schools are on Spring break at the same time for two weeks, while we only get a week in the States. Of course, I got a week off this week. I guess, it is better that than no week off at all.
"Happy Easter To All"
Twenty Nine months.....................counting down!