Friday, 17 April 2009

Never Judge a Book by it's Cover

Do you know what it's like to be judged? I was always told that before you judge someone by their appearance, you should get to know that person. Just because others have labeled them unpopular, dorky or nerdy doesn't mean that there is nothing good about that person. Most don't take the time to understand others and usually rely on what they hear from rumors, or what their eyes let them see. I am probably guilty of that sometimes.

Take a look at Susan Boyle below.

Susan Boyle Sings on Britain's Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 @ Yahoo! Video
Susan Boyle, who appeared on a TV show called "Britains' Got Talent" last Saturday, April 11th The cynical audience and the judges, including the unpredictable Simon Cowell (also of American Idol) have took them by suprise with her powerful performance of "I Dream A Dream" from Les Miserable.

What surprised millions - a person like Susan Boyle could really sing like that. This is absolutely a wake up call that you should never judge a person by their physical apperance, but by what's in their heart and what they're capable of doing.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

March/April (Spring) in England

It is so tempting that the Month of March has passsed and gone and for most people, they think it is Spring time. Well, in some places (countries) there is such a thing, but here in England, warm weather comes and goes. It can be nice today and then the next day its cold. It is so tempting that some people are dressed like it is summer time wearing shorts and sandals. While some people are all wrapped up like it is winter time. Rodney and I for instance, because of this tempting weather we caught cold virus that lastest over a week and still congested to this day.
But because it is close to spring, you can smell the freshness of the air, flowers start blooming and people start working on their yard in preparation for a nice colorful sunny summer. Just like Rodney and I worked on the yard and planted some bulbs. Hopefully, it will grow. Of course I attempted to dig the soil, but as soon as small creation (worms) started on appearing that was the end for me, Rodney resumed the planting. I just cannot stand it.

March is one of the British"s most significant month. "Mother's Day" is being celebrated on March 22 each year. Colorful gift ideas are everywhere in the stores in late February and if you do not know anything about it, you will just wonder like me until Ashley told me.

April is no different still cold and raining a lot. Easter is being observed as a holiday. In fact most companies are off on Good Friday and Monday. What a long weekend for others. All public schools are on Spring break at the same time for two weeks, while we only get a week in the States. Of course, I got a week off this week. I guess, it is better that than no week off at all.

"Happy Easter To All"

Twenty Nine months.....................counting down!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Look Who Turned A Year Older?

Yeah! Yeah! I have turned a year older this week, but still feeling young and active . Let's much has happened this past year..First, I got married on June 14, which happened earlier than anticipated. Second, I resigned from a job after 10 years of laughter, sadness, travels, tons of papers, and sleepless nights. And third, we departed for England on Sept. 8 to stay for a three-year tour. And this my friends and families are major, I mean major changes in my 48 years of living. Ha! Ha! Ha! Now, you know how old I am!
After ten years of having authority to make decisions in the previous job, it is not easy to start a new one and in a challenging environment. Dealing with middle and high school kids does not come easy either. Kids will try you to see if they can get away with murder. Same way with the adults but in a different circumstances. I just recently accepted a part time position with RAF Alconbury High School as an Educational Training Technician. I am meeting new acquaintances and learning new responsibilities but less demanding. Of course, we all know that this is just a temporary until we leave the area. What is next? Time will tell! The good part about it is, I am now in the government system. Hopefully, it will be easier for me to get a federal job in the future.

It has been over five months, since we arrived here in England and we only have 31 months left..yeah! Counting down....:)We've gone to Malta over the holidays and visited small towns in the area. So far, the top two local places that I like are London and Melton Keynes. Melton Keynes reminds me of Washington DC and London reminds me of New York City. Surprisingly, the first visitor we have from America is Danielle. She was here on a business trip and we had dinner in Melton Keynes. It was really nice seeing you in England, Danielle!. and Ashley is expecting AUSTIN!!! to visit here next month. How nice! She is truly a best friend.
The weather has been really weird. It has been snowing a lot and we were out of work for a few days and could not go anywhere on my birthday due to snow. So to keep ourselves entertained, Rodney and I built a snow woman...he!he!he! And Rodney's friends were freezing!

And this is the story of our life this year.

Rodney and I at the Chinese Restaurant while waiting to be served.

On the escalator in London's underground tube train terminal.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Happy 2009

Happy New Year to all! The new year came in and I was sick, but still Blessed! I caught a serious cold virus where I had to knock myself down to go to sleep (e.g. Sudafed during the day and NyQuil at night) and I still have a mild cold. But, I'm slowly getting better and welcoming the new year to a more positive year.

New Year-New Attitude..New Look...New job... and ????? ?Most people would ask every year, "What is your New year's resolution?" Well, if you ask me..I always break my new year resolution, that is why I don't have one. What about you? Do you have one??

For me, I want this year to be Blessed as its always been.....most importantly, good health.

This year, I will start it off with working on a class syllabus. I always procrastinate, my daughter's favorite word." I should have done this a few weeks ago, but I procrastinated and now I am suffering. But, it's okay because I know it will be done in time for the classes to begin. This may sound so silly, but I also accepted a part time position with Central Texas College as an Army Counselor twice a week and I am also doing substitute teaching for high school and middle school as needed. So I am beginning to get busy again. Also, I started my exercise routine after being away from it for 8 months....ouch! I received a wii fitness for christmas and that's what made me motivated. I want to get back to size "4" Ha! Ha! ha! We'll see!!!