Do you want to know more...CATS...are everywhere here in Malta. Maltese people love cats. Even in the hotel we stayed at there were cats around the area...Meowwww!
Right across from the hotel are the island of Gozo and Camino. We did not get a chance to cross over because I got sick on our last day. But we saw the outside of it from a distance and from what I've heard it's really not a lot to do but snorking and swimming, which is not the time for swimming. Although, we got a chance to get in the hotel pool and both Ashley and Katie had a blast especially in the spa. (See more exciting pictures below)
Contributing Editor: Martin Debattista
Contributors:Sonia Attard, Peter Prictoe, Joseph Vella, Alexander Borg
The Maltese Islands are a group of small, barren rocks, jutting out of the middle of the dark blue Mediterranean sea. In these conditions, they would have been relegated to the footnotes of history. Yet, ever since the archipelago was first colonised thousands of years ago, they have never been far from the centre of events and have often played a crucial role in the making of history. Their strategic situation in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea makes up for all the lack of resources that nature endowed the rest of the globe. Malta, the largest island, and her sister islands of Gozo, Comino, Filfla and other very small islands, are strategically placed in the narrow channel joining the eastern and the western basins of the Mediterranean. Or if you like, a bridge between Southern Europe and North Africa, or between Western Europe and the Middle East. This had landed the Maltese Islands right in the middle of the most important historic events: the wars between Rome and Carthage, the rise of Islam, the Crusades, the wars between Christians and Moslems, the rise and fall of Napoleon, the rise and fall of the British Empire, the fight for democracy against Fascism and Nazism, the Cold War, the rise of a United Europe and the challenges of the Third Millennium.
More Pictures:
The hotel had a Christmas Eve Dinner Celebration. Luckily, they were able to accomodate us because this dinner was by reservation only. Considering we just arrived that day, we actually had a good time. We met some family who are also visiting from Germany
Katie is drinking Taquila Sunrise?
Ashley and Katie at the dinner with their cheesy smiles!
It looks like you had a great time! I love looking at your blog and your pictures!
Thanks for all the pictures and that little bit of history. Waaay more informative and enjoyable to look at than Ashley's! :-P Looks you had a great time. Wish I could've been there!
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