Sunday, 30 November 2008

"Thanksgiving Day"

"Thanksgiving Day" is a holiday that the "British" do not celebrate. Statistically, there are only two American families living in this village including us. Needless to say, we had some cars parked in front of our house and you could tell that we are having a party while the rest of the neighborhood are quiet and had their lights and windows closed.

Back to the "Thanksgiving Dinner," just like any American family, we had turkey, ham, stuffing, corn bread, cranberry, vegetable and the traditional filipino food(of course). Deserts: sweet potato pie (home made, which according to my family was good), cheese cake, fruit salad, leche flan and home made fruit punch..I made four bowls. Everybody loved it. Along with the entertainment, our guests participated in playing wii and karoake which put a bit of spark on this celebration away from home.

It was a bit of hard work, but overall we had a wonderful time and I hope you did too!
Thanks Ashley for helping out! You did a good job!!

1 comment:

Professor Dru said...

The food looks great, Yum, Yum! I see a familiar looking 2-tier serving dish.